Home Page
The Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative is a multidisciplinary network of UC Berkeley students, alumni, industry professionals, and others, with over 1,200+ members in 29 departments. We are the Berkeley Energy & Resource Collaborative Undergraduate Division (BERC-U), the undergraduate branch of BERC.
Our missions is to “connect, educate and motivate students, alumni, faculty and industry professionals to address the world’s energy and resource challenges.”
BERC hosts tons of educational, social, and competitive events, offering many different opportunities and avenues for professional growth, networking, and making friends within the energy/resources field.
We serve all undergrads interested in energy and resources by plugging you into BERC events, hosting undergrad-oriented events such as panels, seminars, company visits/info sessions, hosting a mentorship program with BERC members as mentors, and other professional development and educational opportunities.
Our goal is to help you find and develop your interests within energy and resources.